Web Hosting
With hundreds and hundreds of web companies engaging for your business with a lot of different web hosting plans, things can get pretty confusing pretty rapidly. Add to that all of the terms like GB, DNS and bandwidth it’s easy to notice how someone who just wants to begin an online business and make money online can get easily cast down.

As your online business expands, your Web hosting needs will increase and become more complex. Free and low priced web hosting plans may have been fine in the startup stage of your online business, but if your website begins to feel sluggish as it continues to grow and you get more website traffic, you may need to start looking at strengthening your Web server.
Think of this list as the development of the type of hosting plans and services a growing online business can consider. With that said, let’s talk a look at the most common types of web hosting plans and decide which one would best serve the needs of your business; whether you are just starting an online business or looking to take your online venture to the advanced level.
4 Major Types of Web Hosting Services :
- Shared Web Hosting : Shared hosting means your website is hosted on a server shared by other websites. The advantage of this setup is the shared price. You can pay as $5 to $10 per month for sharing a super server with hundreds (or thousands) of other websites.
The biggest disadvantage of a shared hosting account is that you’re at the lenience of the other sites on your server. A really popular site may unfavorably affect the performance of your own site. On the other hand, if you’ve the most popular site on the server, you get to use a super server for a very less price.
When most people start an online business they usually start out with a shared hosting plan to lower costs, and they’re not likely getting a ton of traffic at first.
Shared hosting is good for a brochure type site or a latest site that doesn’t get a lot of traffic. Price Range: $5 to $20/month.
- Reseller Web Hosting : Reseller hosting packages are basically a shared hosting account with additional tools to help you resell hosting space.
Reseller web hosting comes with greater technical stability(often through the Web Host Manager (WHM) control panel), billing software to help you invoice clients and other additional perks.
- free website templates
- white label technical support — that means the hosting company handles your clients support issues.
Price range: Reseller web hosting ranges from $15 to $50, depending on its characteristics and resource limits.
If you’re planning on selling web hosting as a business then reseller web hosting is ideal for you. Otherwise, just keep it with a shared hosting plan if you’re just starting out.
- Cloud Based Web Hosting : Cloud Web Hosting refers to a fairly brand new hosting technology that lets hundreds of individual servers work together so that it looks like a gigantic server. The idea is that as the need grows, the hosting company can just add more commodity hardware to make an ever bigger grid or cloud.
The advantage of cloud-based web hosting is that if you get an unusually large amount of website traffic the web hosting plan can take in the surge of traffic-rather than shutting your website down.
If your website is growing and you’re driving more traffic to your website, this is probably the first tip you would upgrade too from a shared hosting plan.
Price Range: Many grid computing deals use some form of the pay-for-what-you-use pricing structure.
- Self Service Web Hosting : The ultimate hosting plan – you do it all yourself! You buy the servers, install and configure the software, make sure there is enough cooling and power in your machine room . Following are few things you’ll have to take care of:
- data center space
- cooling
- power (with backup)
- bandwidth
- server hardware
- systems administrator
- data integrity and backup

Arabinfotec LLC leading Web hosting company in Dubai provides a high-performance, low-cost web hosting solution. We host only on reliable servers with an uptime in excess of 95%. All of our accounts include instant online setup and access to our unique web-based control panel. Whatever may be your requirements, Arabinfotec LLC has a solution tailored to your needs.